GR2 Remediation and Environmental Services


08-26-2014 to 09-06-2014

Technology employed: 

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Drupal 7
  • Responsive design

GR2 was a small project that already had a design and content. My goal was to upgrade it from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 and make it responsive. While upgrading, I made a few design tweaks and created a 'contact us' form.

For this project, I used AdaptiveTheme, a contributed base theme offered on AdaptiveTheme is great for handling the heavy lifting of making a site responsive, particularly at that time when responsive themes where not so common.

I created a custom subtheme of AdaptiveTheme to integrate the exisitng look and feel and migrated the content from the old site manually, the most efficient solution in that case.

Note: On my last visit, in July of 2019, I observed that it was no longer a Drupal site, but Wordpress. My speculation is that stakeholders, over time, realized that Drupal was a more robust solution than required for this site.